In a preschool class, teacher asked the toddlers ,"Tell me what is the biggest thing in the world". First Child replied,"My Dad". Second child replied, "An Elephant". "No T-Rex is the largest",challenged the third. "A Mountain is bigger than even the T Rex , Mountain is biggest thing in whole world", fourth child challenged with smile of triumph. When teacher asked the same question to another 4-5 yr old girl in class ,"My Eye!!!", pat came the reply.While teacher could make sense of earlier reply , this one left the teacher confused as well, "How is eye biggest thing in the world" asked the teacher to the girl. The Girl replied , "My eye can see his Dad, and the elephant and the T Rex as well as the mountain. That all these can fit in my eye makes my eye the biggest thing in the world !!!" ''Very good!'' praised the teacher. Then the teacher turned to shy 5 year old Ali. '' Ali, what do you think is the biggest thing in the world?'' she asked. After alot of hesitating the boy replied '' Allah, for he created the eyes I can see everything with.''