In one of the stories it was told that Luqman Hakim once entered a market place on a back of a donkey. His son followed him from behind. Seeing this, many people said, "look at the selfish old man, he let his child walk". Hearing what people think, he climbed down and let his son to ride the donkey. Other people in the market said, "how ungrateful that son to let his father walk". Luqman then climbed the donkey along with his son after hearing the comments, but people commented again, "look at those two, riding a poor donkey. They are so heavy that they torture the donkey". Not liking what he heard, Luqman and his son climbed down and walked by the side of donkey. People started to comment again, “look at them, two people walking and no one is on the donkey's back. It’s useless to bring the donkey while you not riding at it...!" On the way home Luqman enlightened his son about the people and their comments, "One cannot be separated from others' comments. A wise person will not act based on the comments but kindness to Allah S.W.T. anyone who recognizes the truth, will use this as guidance in making every single decision". This story reminds me that whatever you do, people will still talk behind you... You can’t satisfy everybody for what you do... do what you decided and all that at risk, do not be too afraid of criticism of people. All you can do is trying your best to make people around you happy... And do the best what work you have to do... If you’re still thinking, people will say this and say that, you can't move anywhere... You will be afraid to do your work... People can say whatever they want... Always keep in my mind; you can't satisfy people for what you do even for their good...